Nothing has taught me more about life than becoming a mother. Over the past two and a half years, I’ve learned that motherhood does not require us to be perfect, it just requires us to be present and that’s a mantra I’ve learned to lean on daily!

Motherhood has been the most wonderful journey, and here are 5 things I have learnt so far along the way: 

1. Self-care is important

When you become a mother, you become committed to your child and it’s easy to feel like there is no “me time” anymore. Through all the craziness, it is so important that we take the time for ourselves. Whether it’s eating well, exercising, meditation, or pursuing creative outlets, it’s important to make sure we have a stillness and peace that sustains us during the crazy moments of our day. Self-care is a choice that you have the power to make.

2. Don’t sweat the small stuff

You probably hear this a lot, but being a parent actually is a lot harder than it looks. We can plan out and prepare everything but at the end of the day, children are unpredictable, and no one can get everything right all the time. Do what you can, when you can, and try to let go of Mum guilt. Always remember, it’s better to laugh than cry (or scream).

3. Be grateful for the little things in life

Motherhood is an empowering and humbling experience and when you observe your child growing up in front of your eyes, you realise how truly precious life is. Motherhood is challenging but you learn to look at every challenge as an opportunity and appreciate each moment for what it is. Every day I like to wake up and remind myself to be grateful of the simple things.

4. Follow your gut

Science says it and I’ve experienced it – mother’s intuition is real. Motherhood has taught me that there isn’t always a right answer, but mothers are preconditioned to protect their children, so no choice you make will be the wrong one. Sometimes you have to go with your gut and hope for the best!

5. Make time for fitness

It’s ok to make the time for fitness during motherhood – it’s all about balance. I like to wake up a little bit earlier in the morning to get a Pilates session in, or even just a quick stretch to start the day. Doing what’s best for you is doing what’s best for your family. Making time for fitness is important for everyone’s happiness and to help you maintain a healthy mind and a healthy life.

Being a mother is the greatest gift I have received, and we are all in this together. Learn from it, grow from it and be kind to yourself along the way.